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Data Management as Leaders in DEI and Cultural Awareness: How We Can Fuel Global Collaboration, Build Healthy Organizations, and Meet the Needs of the Humans Behind CDM

CONFERENCE PRESENTATION · SCDM 2024 EMEA Leadership Forum & Conference
Data Management as Leaders in DEI and Cultural Awareness: How We Can Fuel Global Collaboration, Build Healthy Organizations, and Meet the Needs of the Humans Behind CDM
  • Session Type: Oral Presentation
  • Topics: Soft Skills including Leadership & Executive Skills, Clinical Data Competencies & Cross-Functional Interactions
In today's dynamic and interconnected global landscape, fostering excellence within organizations requires a deliberate and comprehensive commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The objective of this session is to further delve into the strategic imperatives and transformative potential of cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace environment, ultimately paving the way for organizational success through effective collaboration.

DEI includes recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce, bringing together individuals with different cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity enriches discussions, problem-solving, and decision-making, leading to more innovative and comprehensive solutions. It is important for an organization to work towards ensuring diverse representation at all levels of the organization, advocating for equal opportunities and fair treatment. Prospective and current employees expect their employers to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. This involves establishing inclusive policies, fostering open dialogues, and championing diverse representation. There should also be channels created for employees to voice concerns, suggestions, and experiences related to DEI issues.

Organizations can benefit from supporting employee driven initiatives such as a grassroots internal DEI organization Through such initiatives, employees can lead forums, facilitates DEI discussions, organize workshops, training sessions, and awareness events to educate the broader organization about DEI issues and engage meaningfully on DEI topics. Furthermore, such initiatives can also focus on outreach opportunities, hence creating a positive impact in their communities.

CDM organizations have a growing global footprint. To ensure effective collaboration across borders and cultures, we must become more aware of cultural differences and better understand how to navigate through them. Furthermore, focusing on cultural awareness can increase employee engagement and a sense of belonging for all members of global teams. This sense of belonging leads to heightened collaboration, creativity, and productivity. Cultural awareness can be achieved by facilitating sessions which allow employees to showcase their unique and diverse cultures through fun events and celebrations, tying insights back to the workplace.

The session aims to have the participants leave with a comprehensive understanding of how fostering excellence through DEI is not just a moral imperative but a strategic business decision. By embracing diversity, ensuring equity, and fostering inclusion, organizations can position themselves as leaders in their industries, attracting top talent, promoting global collaboration, enhancing innovation, and nurturing a culture that breeds success.
What You'll Learn
  • Understand how CDM can drive DEI and cultural awareness in an organization
  • Appreciating the value of DEI and cultural awareness in facilitating global collaboration
  • Utilizing a focus on DEI to build and retain strong CDM organizations

Meet the Presenters
Adam Carter
Senior Director, Data Management & Central Monitoring
Johnson & Johnson
Adam Carter has over 20 years’ experience in data management, having held leadership roles in biotech, CRO, and pharma organizations. He is currently Senior Director of Data Management & Central Monitoring at Johnson & Johnson. At J&J he led the DM team for the COVID-19 vaccine program, and is now the head of DM&CM for the Cross-Therapeutic Area portfolio. He is also an active leader in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In 2020 he co-founded and continues to lead an impactful DEI initiative for the Integrated Data Analytics & Reporting organization at J&J.
Gunasekaran Subramaniam
Associate Director, Data Management Leader
Johnson and Johnson Innovative Medicine
My full name is Gunasekaran Subramaniam, an Associate Director - Data Management Leader at Johnson and Johnson, Belgium since September 2016.

I started my Data Management career back in 2008 and over the years, I have played many roles including project manager, supervisor/line manager (managing a team of direct reports), data team lead.

My current role as an Associate Director, Data Management Leader at Johnson and Johnson, Beerse enables me to provide oversight of the DMCRO deliverables at a program level (multiple studies within a compound or cross-compounds) and lead internal process improvement projects, mentoring and training. As a people leader, I am responsible in partnering with my direct reports supporting them on their development. Recently I also led (as a Decision Support Lead) setting up a new unit in Asia region for our department (Data Management) as part of the organizational expansion strategy.

During my career wherein, I was able to play multiple roles, I have had many successes, such as setting up new teams, locking multiple studies and providing subject matter expert advice in various therapeutic areas including Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, Cardiovascular and Metabolism, Oncology, Immunology and non-intervention studies. Additionally, I was also a CCDM (Certified Clinical Data Manager).
Tanya Du Plessis
Chief Data Strategist and Solutions officer
Bioforum the Data Masters
Tanya is currently Chief Data Strategist & Solutions Officer of Bioforum, she has over 20 years industry experience. Throughout her career, Tanya has worked with multinational pharmaceutical companies as well as small-to-mid size biotechs and startups. She has led various data management operations and programs, heading numerous innovation teams and spearheading the development of strategies for customized data delivery solutions, focusing on timely, quality data.
Stephen Cameron
Director, Clinical Data Science
Over twenty-five years of biotechnology, microbiology and clinical trial data management. Areas of focus include recombinant, subunit, attenuated and whole cell bacterin and viral vaccines, cellular therapy, oncology, gout and biosimilar studies as well as monoclonal therapies. Significant exposure to global team leadership, project management and data operations functional management support for local and global team members, including clinical data coordinators, clinical data scientist leads and people leaders. Active member of Society of Clinical Data Management, working as conference co-chair for 2020 through 2023 annual general meetings as well as board of trustee member 2022 through 2024 aligned with community engagement committee. Elected SCDM board executive secretary for 2024. Frequent SCDM speaker, including most recently closing keynote at 2023 annual conference.
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